Fashion goes, style remains. What does Mademoiselle Chanel's iconic phrase have to do with men's street wear? All. And yes, because like all fashions, this is also going to its end. But we need to be clear: it does not mean that casual clothing is giving way to busy men dressed in waistcoats, leather shoes (perhaps very uncomfortable) and high-necked shirts. Rather, the street world is undergoing an evolution.

And this thanks to the emerging brands which, through an entirely Italian production, give new life to a way of dressing that until recently was entirely promoted by multinationals and fast-fashion brands, at very low prices, and with a high rate of pollution due to production and economies of scale. Today the big groups are moving on accessories, while fast retailers are stalled, and the same, consequently, their own producers.
Men's street wear is no longer a question of fashion, it is not reduced in itself. It is a question of attitude, of style. In a more sophisticated, refined and, above all, ethically responsible version just like the promising brand Vanta Studio Design. The phrase of the artist Ulay, who passed away on March 2nd, 2020 is known: "Aesthetics without ethics is only cosmetic". Here, until some time ago, the same statement applied to street wear.

Among the contemporary brands that are helping to change things there are certainly Gall's revolution and determination and also the casual chic of Çamarche. In that of Fermo, in the Marche region, collections of men's clothing are born, capable of combining avant-garde and elements of the past. Suggestions inspired by nature and fantastic elements. A perfect mix for the casual chic contemporary man.

The same goal but with its own personality is the men's street wear proposed by Spendthrift. The brand came to light in 2014 thanks to the creative union of Federico Cancelli and Marco Cuccagna, two friends who are passionate about fashion and well-made clothes, obviously made in Italy. If at the beginning the proposed range was limited to t-shirts and basic garments, with the passage of a few years the two give life to complete collections, also for women.

But it is the word "unisex" that most defines the concept of "new" street wear and the general Spendthrift project. It is no coincidence, in fact, that the brand also works a lot in countries like Japan. In the Far East, casual fashion is not lackluster, untidy. Rather, it is rich in sartorial elements, therefore qualitatively superior to those made with machines, by large industries. And it is no small thing. Indeed it is all in a world on the threshold of a great change.