His love for the world of footwear and his great talent could not remain closed in a drawer. Damiano Marini is the leading fashion designer in our history today. His seductive shoes have been and are chosen by women who like to stand out, including celebrities.

Precious leathers, mirrored leather, embroidery, explosion of colors and vibrant palette. Since the launch of his namesake brand in 2015, Damiano Marini has never stopped experimenting, researching, creating a shoe that enchants for beauty and dresses with quality. The design and craftsmanship are typically Italian, daughters of tradition and learned skills but also of a good innate taste.
After studying economics, Damiano Marini decides to follow his instincts and change his life. He attended the course of Shoe Stylist-Pattern Maker at Cercal, the Research Center and International Footwear School of San Mauro Pascoli, then collaborating with large companies in the sector such as Casadei until the birth of the brand that bears his name.

Damiano Marini shoes draw the woman of our day among their sinuous lines. A contemporary twist made of elegant and modern beauty. The play of colors and shapes is combined with the use of selected and precious raw materials with laminated, mirrored, chamois, paints, precious details such as straps, buckles.
So also the new collection by Damiano Marini reconfirms an exclusive femininity, where the past and the present are mixed: very high pumps, super flat ballerinas, sandals that discover and dress the foot with elegance at the same time. The iconic mustache heel is now a hallmark of the brand, a double sole that further reinforces the refined luxury concept.

But not only, next to him another recognizable detail, the delta, which characterizes the tip of the shoe giving a sophisticated allure. From soft colors to the most eccentric, from single-color to prints like the animal print, Damiano Marini creates a femininity in step with the times and... with the wishes of women. For info & contacts www.damianomarini.it