There are bags and bags. The ones we wear for just one season and the ones that last a lifetime. We love the latter. Models with a timeless beauty, high quality handcrafted accessories.
Perfect to combine with different looks and occasions, the it bag gives an extra style to your every outfit. Regardless of trends and seasons. Why? Because thanks to its design, the research of materials and its workmanship it will always be an exclusive piece. In short, it will get noticed.
From maxi to micro models, from clutches to totes: it's true, when it comes to bags, you are spoiled for choice. Follow our advice and let yourself be inspired by our selection of it bags. Difficult to choose? We know, we love them all.
Black, in leather, in fabric, in fantasy or super colored, more or less large. The tote is the it bag par excellence, the one that never fails in every woman's wardrobe. Comfortable, versatile and functional it accompanies us in our days containing our whole world (secrets included!). Which one to choose? Take a look at our tote bags: all exclusive and made in Italy!
Mignon bags have now become a cult. So small that you can only really put in the little that is enough but so big in style to make your look immediately exclusive. From mini to micro, they can be worn by hand or over the shoulder, making even the most casual look chic. The most popular ones? The extra small with geometric shapes, inspired by the past and lady like style. A real touch of class.
To be worn only on one side or crossed over your outfits, the shoulder bag is one of the most popular models for style and functionality. Versatile and practical to use, it recalls the classic vintage bag in the most classic forms, such as the bucket or the bandolier. Offered in many different shapes and sizes, the shouder bag is a true style icon. A must in your wardrobe.
Soft, rigid, large or small: the clutch could not be missing from our it bags. Worn no longer just for formal or elegant occasions, it becomes the protagonist of a mix & match that dares with contrasts and contaminations. In fact, the clutch can now also be worn during the day: beautiful in combo with jeans and shirt or with a nice laced trenchcoat but also with light and long printed maxi dresses.