Jilavie: the other skin. So the jewel becomes sculpture and preciousness becomes synonymous of experimentation. Stones, metals and usual materials give way to an innovative texture, absolute protagonist of Jilavie, the leather. It speaks, moves, creeps. Leaving its mark, striking the eye.

To show this factory of ideas, Jlenia Carrubba. Eclectic and artistic in its most intimate nuances, as a child plays, paints, creates. The fantasy is its food, its oxygen. By painter and musician, designer of hand-painted clothing to sophisticated accessory architectures.

The direct participation of Jlenia at every single elements creates a powerful object, such a unique piece made in a workmanlike manner. In the contest of a beautiful Catania and especially in the “Tana dei Sogni”, nest of research and development, to life the creativity Jilavie signed. The leathers, sometimes carriers of a message, since recovered and reused, turn into other things in her capable hands. The craftsmanship is tangent and each product never equal to itself, inimitable, so luxury. And it is the triumph of the leather.

Maghreb is the name Jilavie gives her last collection created inspired by the classic North African jewelry that the artist repeats in a distinctly contemporary version. Usual are tubular forms and concentric, and even turn out to be the most characteristic colors such as gold and silver which allow to recognize the stylistic unity of the typical jewels of this region. To dominate the scene is once again the leather but the indisputably innovative feature that characterizes and makes these new jewels unique is the use of the classic waxed wire as the predominant decorative tool capable of recalling filigree and woven threads of original jewels : it twists, binds, knit, inexorable in every Maghreb jewel.

Through a new concept of leather jewel and its infinite and unexpected possibilities of existence, Maghreb tells stories of unique, intuitive, courageous and combative women, an unparalleled beauty concept linked to strong and imposing lines, such as the expression of "being Feminine "more and more conscious and dominant. You can buy Jilavie HERE. For info jilavie.it