may mOma: the Art Deco renews its appeal for exclusive and contemporary pieces, where every detail explicit the excellence. Like a fairy tale, a passion for jewelry is whispered, handed down from father to daughter here.

Simona Nicolosi in fact inherits the father's love for the world of gold. After a long experience in the communications field she decides to explore the dimension that most belong, attending the course in Jewellery Design at Polidesign in Milan and she then working in the creative division of the Damiani Group. In 2013, however, comes for her the real breakthrough: the first surprising may mOma collection.

Creation after creation, her talent is explained in fascinating stories, chosen in 2014, 2015 and 2016 by Swarovski for the World Jewelry Facets, where important bijoux are presented as the result of cooperation between the well-known Austrian brand and young talents. The craftsmanship becomes inevitable feature in may mOma products, in the eclectic mix ancient skills with highly innovative features. Yes because the may mOma jewelry involve the senses, fusing sight and touch in the perception of an essence that combines the best of Made in Italy.

Indisputable Italian craftsmanship that assembles even the most minute peculiarities, respectful of small proportions. The brightness of stones bride modern and decided forms, but aimed at inspiration similar to Art Deco. Magnetic ornaments to captur attention. Necklaces, rings and bracelets invade the space, conquering it and becoming bosses. The joy of beauty. The elegant of charm. The difference of uniqueness. For info
Giulia Fucile