ITS International Talent Support 2019 is almost upon us. On 12 July 2019 in Trieste the international competition dedicated to creatives will return to reward the best talents from all over the world. The renowned jury of experts has chosen and decreed the finalists of this new highly anticipated edition. The contests for the fashion section will be: Shie Lyu (China), Annaliese Griffith-Jones (Australia), Louis Applemans (Belgium), Kouto Rafael (Switzerland), Jimin Kim (South Korea), Hana Yagi (Japan), Daoyuan Ding (China), Moon Hussain (UK), Anni Salonen (Finland), Yukika Saito (Japan), Cecilia Del Carmen Juarez Balta (Peru). For the accessories, the final protagonists will be Fabia Brüning (Germany), Bingqing Yi (China), Xiaotu Tang (China), Yukako Hihara (Japan), Skye Gwillim (UK), while Joanne Guiraud (Switzerland) will compete for jewelry. Hazuki Katagai (Japan), Yunqi Zhang (China), Irina Galon (Israel), Corrina Goutos (USA), Asumi Maeda (Japan) .ITS International Talent Support was launched by Barbara Franchin in 2002, developing year after year until becoming an internationally recognized reality as support for young fashion talents. A contest, a big annual event, but also an archive: ITS Creative Archive in fact contains and displays unique expressions of creativity that trace the history of contemporary fashion, with clothes, portfolios, accessories and photographs from all over the world.The ITS International theme Talent Support 2019 is Sincerely True. A return to the truth, pure and simple; an answer against a screaming digital communication contaminated by fake news and that exposes us to an incessant stream of contents. By fighting with and for sincerity, we want to express a message, to tell what we really are without filters and virtuosity. Happy, True, Sentimental, Dreamy, Blissful, Naive: through digital postcards, ITS communicates values ​​and starts from the essence. In projects and portfolios presented by designers, eco-sustainability is increasingly present. The use of natural materials and treatments, the recycling of waste, waste and above all plastic. Fashion becomes aware, attentive, responsible. It does not produce pollution or starts from it again, recycling it.Un ritorno alla verità, pura e semplice; una risposta contro un'urlante comunicazione digitale contaminata da fake news e che ci espone a un fiume incessanti di contenuti. Combattendo con e per la sincerità, si vuole esprimere un messaggio, raccontare quello che realmente siamo senza filtri e virtuosismi. Happy, True, Sentimental, Dreamy, Blissful, Naive: attraverso cartoline digitali, ITS comunica valori e riparte dall'essenza. Nei progetti e portfolio presentati dai designer l'eco sostenibilità è sempre più presente. L'utilizzo di materiali e trattamenti naturali, il riciclo di scarti, rifiuti e soprattutto plastica. La moda diventa consapevole, attenta, responsabile. Non produce inquinamento o riparte proprio da esso, riciclandolo.