The famous international contest dedicated to emerging young talents does not stop. ITS 2020 has chosen and announced its 36 finalists, out of over 600 portfolios from 60 countries. But not only. In fact, it postponed its edition to 23 October.
Due to the pandemic and its critical consequences, ITS 2020 will not take place as usual in July but will shift in October: the community is working tirelessly alongside as always the institutions, the territory and all the partners who have not stopped supporting this important project.
Today more than ever the sense of community and belonging grows. To places, cultures of origin, humanity in a deeper sense. Here We Belong is the prescient theme of ITS 2020 that continues with enthusiasm and awareness, giving space to new generations of creative talents. After receiving, collecting and examining more than 600 portfolios from around 60 countries, a jury of industry experts virtually gathered. Who are the 36 finalists?

THE FASHION FINALISTS : Sara Michal Workeneh - Israeli, Noa Baruch - Israeli, Andrew Bell - Irish, Tara Al-Wali - British, Syna Chen - Chinese, Rosie Baird - Scottish, Jimin Lee - South Korean, Kin Yan Lam - Chinese, Aharon Genish - Israeli, Cameron Williams - British, Olivia Rubens - Canadian.
THE ACCESSORIES & JEWELLERY FINALISTS: Yunfei Ma - Chinese, Clara Chu - Portuguese, Rei Sato & Jumi Tanabe - Japanase, Johanna Parv - Estonian, Rebecca Mardsen - Irish, Eva Verwicht - French, Maria Bika - Greek, Felipe Fiallo - Ecuadorean, Ninja D. Evangelista - Austrian, Jittrakarn Bunterngpiboon - Thai, Jing Han - Chinese, Bo Zhang - Chinese.
THE ITS FASHION@WORK BY ILLY FINALISTS: Tara Al-Wali -British, Rosie Baird - Scottish, Johanna Parv - Estonian, Kin Yan Lam - Chinese, Yuhan Xu - Chinese, Shiori Mizuochi & Hiroki Okamoto - Japanase, Cameron Williams - British, Anyango Mpinga - Kenyan, Keewon Shin - South Korean, Rebar Aziz - German
THE ITS ARTWORK BY SWATCH ART PEACE HOTEL FINALISTS: Natsumi Osawa - Japanase, Byung Yoon Lee - South Korean, Clara Chu - Portuguese, Rei Sato - Japanase, Jumi Tanabe - Japanase, Gui Rosa - Portuguese, Aharon Genish - Israeli, Liuxu Luo - Chinesel.
THE LOTTO SPORT FINALISTS: Scarlett Gapp - British, Johanna Parv - Estonian, Minjae Chang - South Korean.
““All this, that for us represents continuity and security, today acquires a new value and meaning – says Barbara Franchin, founder and director of ITS, recently recognized by Forbes as one of Italy’s 100 most distinguished womenThe collaboration and support from the territory and the partners, as well as the extraordinary resilience shown by the ITS team and by all the talents who decided to take part in the 2020 edition, acquire today a greater meaning and impact on our project and on each one of us. Every portfolio received is a like a germ of resilience, the will to regenerate, the hope for a different future to be conceived and created together”.
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