Magda K: small handbags as unusual laboratories of experimentation, as an amalgam of ideas, innovation and design. The vanguard becomes the key, the common thread of that sense to be grasped between the lines, between the bags: new materials replace any conventionality for a highly futuristic and sophisticated product.

Director of this fashion accessories brand is Magdalina Kadzhaya. She arrived in Milan in 2010, studying at the IED in the Interior Design section. Graduation and the innate passion for fashion, design and art in total entirety, led her to focus on the creation in 2015 of her most accurate product, the personal brand Magda K.

Immobility and conformism give way to an unconventional reality that sees fashion as a creative metaphor never quite satisfied of originality. In fact in the Fall / Winter 2016-17 are the resin, acrylic and synthetic leather are the cornerstones on which everything revolves. Rigid clutch marmoreal are delineated on whites and blacks varied, earthy nuances, most striking emerald tones, all strictly marked with geometric closures.

Elegant versions in acrylic, squared chests deeply modern, sweetened in gold details. The resin is combined with the faux leather in a bronze version, precious. From the clutch to another, much more: so a simple accessory challenge the novelty and emerged a winner. For info
Giulia Fucile