Wearable Italia, a new project, a new vision of technology that blends with the luxury of precious jewels, to live an unbelievably contemporary style experience, surprisingly avant-garde. An idea that successfully fuses the beauty of fashion, handicraft excellence Made in Italy and the new frontiers of wearable technology.

Wearable Italy born from an intuition of Andrea Tomassini, computer engineer born in Umbria that has created an innovative startup in the field of the Internet of Things and Wearable Techology and found in no time acclaim both in Italy and abroad. Wearable Italy presented the first capsule collection simultaneously with the opening of the Milan Fashion Week, in the exhibition "Crafting the future- Stories of craftsmanship and innovation" organized by Franca Sozzani and curated by Sara Maino held at Mudec.

Elegant jewelry designed by Roberto Ferlito, SCHIELD designers, one of the most original designers and popular of the moment, chosen by Vogue among the talents of "Who is on Next?", His creations go from international industry influencers and celebrities until get to the likes of Letizia, Queen of Spain. Luxury jewelry made one by one with attention to detail and with noble materials such as gold, silver, bronze, stone and Swarovski, by qualified craftsmen from 30 years of experience in the META luxury and fashion, they become ultra functional accessories. A micro device installed inside the bracelets makes it possible to have multiple configurable functionality through an APP, linked filter notifications but also related to fitness, wellness, and at SmartLock phone, no calls will be lost for the phone in your bag or to the noise around! A completely customizable and extremely simple digital.

Fashion and technology therefore designed for women with a focus on safety, each bracelet in fact has an "alarm" system configurable via APP able to send an alarm message to a list of selected contacts by sending your GPS position and activating a emergency call, in a safe and discreet. A pleasant technological jewel to wear, glamorous and perfectly ergonomic. Thanks to its industrial patents filed internationally and in collaboration with leading Italian manufacturers of hardware, software, automation and robotics, Wearable Italy is today a perfect combination of technology, design and pioneering spirit into the future. For info www.wearableitalia.com