Artistar Jewels 2017, in its fourth edition, back to turn the spotlight on the latest precious news. Modern jewelery, experimental processes, exclusive pieces are ready to bring to life of creativity Palazzo Giureconsulti, headquarters of the event for the first time, February 23 to 26. During the Milan Fashion Week, sponsored by the City of Milan, over 350 jewels will star so young but already consolidated contest Artistar Jewels founded in 2012 by designer Enzo Carbone.

Designed not only to professionals but open to the city and to the general public, Artistar Jewels is a reality in continuous growth, come now to number you among its guests prestigious names as Gillo Dorfles for San Lorenzo, GianCarlo Montebello and Philip Sajet. Not just an exhibition but interaction with industry experts, the ability to sell their products on the shop online platform dedicated, interesting showcase for brands by publishing internationally distributed book Artistar Jewels 2017, edited now by photographer Federico Barbieri and published by Logo Fausto Lupetti.

Artistar Jewels 2017 will declare February 24 the three winners among the participants chosen by a jury of respect: the Director of Vogue Accessory and Creative Director of Vanity Fair Elizabetta Barracchia, the fashion journalist Maristella Campi, the historian and critic of jewel Bianca Cappello, Gianni De Liguoro founder and designer of the brand De Liguoro, the founder and owner of Scuola orafa Ambrosiana in Milan Guido Solari and jewelery blogger Liza Urla. The selected will be able to join for free to Artistar Jewels in 2018 and appear within the content of the book published in 2018.

Gianni Liguoro prefer a brand of all with which to begin a collaboration intended to customizing a jewel De Liguoro. In addition to an under 27 Scuola orafa Ambrosiana will offer free participation in the course of Goldsmith Professional, focused on the study of both traditional and innovative techniques of the goldsmith. As real masterpieces, some pieces exhibited at Artistar Jewels 2017 will then be guests of famous galleries of sector, such as Spazio Espositivo Adiacenze of Amerigo Mariotti and Daniela Tozzi in Bologna, Creativity Oggetti of Susanna Maffini in Torino and the Concept Store Tiberius in Vienna. Not only jewel, not just design, not just fashion. Artistar Jewels 2017.
Giulia Fucile