Labolsina: from the luxury hotel furnishing fabrics to… exclusive bags. The distance is short. Few pieces, very limited edition for original products, constant example of uniqueness. From recovery to creation. By heaps of fabrics kept in the company warehouse of the family to genial intuition. Behind all this? The creative talent of Margherita Vaghi.

After being formed at the IED, studying Art Direction and Visual Communication, Margherita is immediately struck by the many remnants, colored fabrics, working scraps textile decorator father to luxurious hotel. And then the intuition: to be born from those mountains of cloth dropped something new, exciting. Not simple objects or attractive shapes but entities daughters of a fashion made of substance, projects.

So in 2010 was born Labolsina, already in the name tribute to Spain, the land she so loved and lived during her carrier as an art direction. Determined and individualistic, just like those who wearer, the Labolsina bags hidden in their textures the secrets of their identity, 100% Made in Italy. The hight quality and the attention to detail result in tailoring accessories, craft, where the environmental sustainability and recycling become important characterized of the brand. It’s Margherita to take care of the first step, the material researching, getting involved to colors and their fantasies.

Following it is designed the model, the fabrics are mixed with recovered skins. The iconic Lameg and Lanic bags, made on shower coated fabrics of ‘70s, are added other important pieces: La Piccolina Fabric, small bag with chain strap, vibrant geometric print and leather, protagonist of Miniature Collection; the large shopper in blue fabric “I am Big”, closable in a small packaging “I am Small”; the Active line poster of tones and shapes inspired by the tennis and the ‘70s. No chance, but echo a message in the name of originalità. From the past to the future: Labolsina! You can buy Labolsina HERE. For info