Melampo: years, months, days written in the yellowed pages, and therefore more precious, of a book called tradition, still without final. Stories shaken and disrupted during the succession of renewed tales, characters every time different, interesting. Light and future projection, privileged prisoner of a past golden shade. Because it is not possible comprehend a narration starting from its half. So let's start where it all begins, moves, by inevitable "Once upon a time".

In 1947, in Milan, rises from the ashes of the greatest catastrophe, the incurable scars of World War II, a small workshop, home and cradle of craftsmanship promoted by the creativity of Antonio Poletti, manufacturer of braided accurate manual caps. Few pieces superbly but perfect in their simple being. And then in a flash, in a wand beat, from small shop to big industry: the exponential sales, derived from a recognized skill and high quality, still honorably concept expressed by Melampo, led to the opening in 1973 of the company CO.MI. s.r.l., visionary of a sudden exploits in the 80's of an enlarged projects beyond the preset boundaries and came first to the shirt and then at every embankment clothing.

Melampo is reincarnated today in a brand ready to challenge a new adventure: conquer and again enthrall an audience changed over the years but still attracted by the excellence of Made in Italy, in all its forms and expressions. So Melampo returns armed of the winning youthfulness of the children. Lulu, Anna, Bruno Poletti, on behalf of their predecessors, shuffle the cards, starting the game with the same bunch but in a different game. In 2014, the union blends in further in a society, concretely expressed in the first store in Berlin. A brand that surpasses frantic, relentless trends and becomes an ambassador of a well-defined style. Here is the Melampo philosophy. Thoughts, ideas, concepts.

These the wires, the plots that are woven in the Spring - Summer 2016. Delicate femininity, almost impalpable, concocted on structures and volumes outlined in light fabrics, imperceptible. Allure vintage, past times never so powerfully current. Pleated midi skirts, transparent blouses, dresses and micro jumpsuit in a color palette that whispers a refined classicism. Origami, a range of art that speaks not just fashion. Textile sculpture. Past Present Future. Not to forget what has been but continue cleverly to fascinate. Comparing generations. For info
Giulia Fucile