It is rapidly approaching the 108th edition of Mipel - The Bag Show, the exhibition of leather to be held in Milan from 1 to 4 September 2015. The historic international event this year is renewed starting from the top with the entry of Riccardo Braccialini as new president AIMPES. A new direction, strongly supported by Mipel President Roberto Briccola, for this event, which will be presented in the modern pavilion 10 of the fair in Rho.Among the new an interesting project involving ten emerging designers of Made in Italy who will interpret, according to their style and creativity, a bag model became a cult classic, the shopping bag. The talents are chosen Badura, Barbara Bonner, Benedetta Bruzziches, Alessandro Enriquez, Filippo Fanini, Gedebe, Azzurra Gronchi, Giancarlo Petriglia, Salar and V73.In the area dedicated, called "The glamourous", emerging designers will exhibit a selection of their S / S 2016, and the unique pattern of shopping bag created for the event. Every shopping bag will also have an innovative digital device, provided by idOO, which will allow you to view information on the brand and the designer, pointing the new smartphone by LG leather G4 chip inserted in the bags.And there's more! The initiative was boosted by "The Glamourous Spy Story", ten short movies presented in preview at the inauguration of the event and interpreted by five famous bloggers: Candela Novembre, Linda Tol, Veronica Ferraro, Elisa Taviti and Paola Turani.Mipel this year presents an edition full of new and is not to be missed!For info http://www.mipel.com/