A hymn to the mother, the most important woman, at her from where it all begins, the guardian of the most precious gift: life. The swallows have started singing, daisies bloom on the meadows, the sun's rays heat up our mood. Spring is back and as usual, by 1958, on May 8 is celebrated Mother's Day. A day to say thank you to her who wanted us, she who adored us from the first beat without knowing, without choosing. It is the first word we say, the first look we seek, the first odor that we recognize. Flashback past and future prophecy: holder of history, of our lives and at the same time reflection of what we will become. She juggles the many difficulties of her role as only a true super hero can do, but instead of power and magic wands, she has a lot of patience, strength, imagination.

And then it's time to pamper our moms, perhaps with an original gift full of affection. We propose the sculptural Roberta Risolo necklace , earrings and bracelet by Flaminia Barosini, the original sunglasses Pugnale&Nyleve . To evoke beautiful memories and intense emotions can choose among the precious scents of Francesca dell’ Oro. With the fragrance d'ambiente Pomi D'Umbria you can give a sensory experience to the discovery of the Umbrian territory. For design lovers, we point out the mugs, contemporary interpretation of an artistic tradition, made by Elisabetta Furin. Simultaneously playful and chic bracelet Kikijewels butterfly. For the most glamorous mothers here is the bag Francesca Torsi, made of leather and wood, or the bag in bucket-shaped, trend of the moment, by Demanumea, and finally the Vodivì bag in vegetable-tanned leather, for a touch of exclusivity! Choose a unique gift, something special just like your love for her!
Giulia Fucile