Skirt or pants? Pants or skirt? Yeah ... that problem! But now farewell uncertainties and second thoughts because it came last, indeed returned, the skirt pants! After years of disappearance, the most trendy chic hybrid comes knocking to our wardrobes and to recover its well-placed free place must have! Multitasking. Multifunctional. Fine as a maxi skirt but convenient as only loose pants can be.

The pant skirt invades the catwalks of major designers and fashion emerging names. Perfect in combination with the crop top, these keep us company all summer .. and not only !!! Geometric and architectural is the proposal of Chiara Baschieri: square lines intersect in amazing games vitalized by hints of yellow and turquoise. The waves, the sea. A light wind blowing on the impalpable blue pleated signed Valentina L Fontana: revolutionary conceptual elegance. Mentioned cargo, masculine rigor: these are the ingredients for the military pant skirt by Co|te.

Port of practicality and current trend. Skirt denim pants from Project149 between amplitudes and comfort. Skirt pants? Yup! But surprise! Oriental exoticism and creativity to the refined proposal by MSGM. ellow, yellow and yellow for the extremely wide pant skirt Quattromani. Bubbles and even celestial bubbles float uncontrollably gaps between the wearable lightness of a divided skirt Mikro Couture, dipped toffee, caramel. Sweet dressing. Optical comfortable for jumpsuit by Frampesca.

Definitely winning the black declination in a straight and simple version by Blackblessed or in a total black leather for Federica Tosi. The wonderland unfolds in off-white skirt pants pleated Alberto Zambelli: blank canvas for unstoppable brushes, crayons spherical generators, surreal drawings. Short, long, wide, straight ... in every hue and texture ... in every fabric and workmanship, provided it is Skirt pants!
Giulia Fucile