Vita is a turban made of soft silk, colorful and versatile, designed to promote and enhance the beauty and femininity of all women and especially those who are facing cancer care. Dee di Vita is a solidarity initiative created by a collaboration between the San Raffaele Hospital and the historic company Mantero, together to support "Salute allo Specchio", a project conceived by Dr. Valentina Di Mattei, university researcher at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele and psychologist of the Clinical Psychology Unit of Health, and Dr. Giorgia Mangili, gynecologist oncologist of the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Unit. Fulcrum of the project is the turban, in pure silk, made in a wide range of graphics and colors, by Mantero and sale of and in selected shops in Milan. The proceeds will be donated to "Salute allo Specchio" to support cancer patients in psycho-physical level.

As explains Dr. Di Mattei: "We wanted a cheerful and colorful product, which interpreted the strength and energy of all women, it celebrates the beauty and it would enhance the femininity. Something that was beautiful, precious, not sad. " To celebrate this laudable initiative there was a photo exhibition entitled "Donne ConTurbanti" by Guido Taroni, on days 10 to 11 May, at the Milan Triennale. Sixteen portraits of women wearing the turban Vita. The project was received with great involvement from prominent personalities who have worn the turban exploring the glamorous side and promoting the use of this accessory that, in its simplicity, is charged with sensuality and mysterious beauty. We invite you to take active part on